Man running

Runners Relate to Man’s Habit When It Comes to Seeing New Places: ‘Guilty’

Running has many benefits and they aren’t all health-related—it’s cost effective and can help broaden your horizons.

However, old habits die hard, and that’s especially true for keen runner @thomasyohei, who recently went viral on TikTok. During the clip, he can be seen running on Bondi Beachfront in Sydney, Australia, and the text reads, “running allows me to explore so many places!”

Followed by screenshots of the recorded runs that all have one thing in common—they are all the same route.

The clip, captioned “guilty as charged,” has racked up 340,000 views since it was shared on September 11.

Should You Run the Same Route Daily?

Newsweek reached out to London-based personal trainer Michael Baah, 37, to find out if repetition is a good thing when it comes to running.

He said: “It can be both a good and bad thing—depending on how it’s approached. In weight training, repetition helps build strength through progressive overload and consistency.

“With running, the goal should be to vary intensity, distance, and even terrain to avoid stagnation and reduce the risk of injury. Running the same route at the same pace consistently can lead to both mental fatigue and physical overuse injuries, such as shin splints, IT band syndrome, or a runner’s knee. That said, occasional repetition can be helpful to track progress or as part of an active recovery.”

TikTok Reacts

Many people have already commented on the clip, which has 16,500 likes, to let Tom know he isn’t alone.

One user wrote: “Me everyday running 5 km through a damn cemetery,” and another wrote: “Running in new places stresses me out.”

A third commenter said: “Me running 16km every day in the same forest (I’ll probably see a bear soon).”

Frequent 5-10K Runs: Benefits and Drawbacks

A stock image of a man running in an urban area. Newsweek spoke to a personal trainer about the pros and cons of frequent runs.

BartekSzewczyk/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Baah, who has almost 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, has shared the following advantages and disadvantages of frequent runs.


  • Builds cardiovascular endurance, especially if the runner varies pacing and terrain.
  • Helps with weight management, muscle toning, and overall physical health.
  • Regular running is known to reduce stress and improve mood through the release of endorphins.
  • Consistently running 5-10k can help runners track performance improvements over time.


  • Risk of overuse injuries if done too frequently without sufficient recovery.
  • Running the same route/distance too often can become monotonous, potentially reducing motivation.
  • Without variation in training (like interval workouts), performance may plateau.

Newsweek reached out to @thomasyohei for comment via TikTok. We could not verify the details of the case.

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